Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Customize Your Desert Eagle


Zaia: "Best wishes to all women,
are hard-working of the engine Veneto

Greetings to all women Veneto. On the occasion of the centenary of 8 March come my love to little girls and boys, our hope of tomorrow, women and elderly adults laborious and tireless engine of this land and the heart that gives life and progress.

course much remains to be done for women. Intellectual honesty makes us recognize that we are back again, like everyone else, and we must, together, create the conditions to continue on the path to true equality. Necessary to strengthen social services, access to work and maintain jobs that women are among the first to lose in difficult economic periods like the present, we think, also, greater safety for women too often victims of violence and abuse and should be favored as their presence in nerve center.

Veneto Region has built in recent years concrete policies for women, often in advance or on the rest of Italy: from the nationwide network of public, private clinics (141 sites throughout the Veneto that follow the families and women, 86% of total users), the spread of kindergartens and schools for children: there are 28 000 places children between 0 and three years representing 20% \u200b\u200bof average, the average European, the only Italian region to reach it from the creation of a regional program with funding for the promotion and consolidation Women entrepreneurship in 2009 has awarded € 7.5 million in an area that already sees over 99 000 active companies in pink (21, 4% of the total in Veneto), for care allowances for families ( and within them are almost always women to deal with) taking home a joint reliant senior (in 2009 there were 25,500).

Luca Zaia


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