Friday, March 18, 2011
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The Chamber of Northern League - Liga Veneta Padania of Trissino , in collaboration with the District 12 , organizes an interesting meeting on handling of approval of fiscal federalism. The theme of the meeting, which will take place Monday, March 21 at 20:30 at the Aula Magna of Trissino located in Via Roma, is: "Common towards federalism Municipal " (see poster below)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
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The news that all expected. Finally, after so political get even money.
less than two months have passed since the Municipal Councils of Montecchio Maggiore and Arzignano gathered together in the Moot Hall in the Court of Filande. On that occasion, in fact, the Regional Councillor for Health Luke Cole (LN) reaffirmed the political will to build a new health facility location Canove replacing the two existing "The project - he said - part of the rationalization of health facilities that we are carrying out throughout the region."
Earlier this week, the Regional Council has made promises to follow the facts, assuming funding to 14 works in as many hospitals in the Veneto, for a total of EUR 105 million found in former Article 20 of the national funds for investment in health.
Of this money, a good slice is reserved for Montecchio / Arzignano: Well EUR 47.5 million for the construction of a new acute care facility with 220 beds to replace the existing two.
"We - the mayor says Milena Cecchetto as President of the Conference of Mayors dell'Ulss5 - now look forward to the time frame needed because the money actually reach the coffers of the Health Authority 5, then we can start with the work. It 's a good sign that is coming from the region, primarily because it is an important response to needs for some years the territory manifests. And because it highlights the region's attention to an area, the health, that citizens consider it a priority and are seeking to preserve the dark of the cuts. The health Veneta, and that Vicentina in particular, are an excellent who do not want and can not give up. And we are pleased that politics, at least in this case, has understood our needs. "
However the money is not sufficient to complete the new structure." But I think - says Cecchetto - which is still required Starting with the work. We proceed to functional tranches, so as to gradually move the health services in the new building, freeing up space currently used primarily in older structures subject at the most critical. The important thing is to commit the money that have been made available, to avoid the risk of losing that these days it is very real. At the same time it is equally important to forge a dialogue between municipalities and regions, so as to obtain as soon as possible even those that are missing. "
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
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For the blog: we made a big step forward ..... this law will be the icebreaker for a cultural and generational change that will only benefit the country Italy. Angela
Ronchini President
(AGI) - Rome, March 15 -''The senator Giovanardi tell the House does not change a comma!''. With firm conviction and the deputy PDL Lella Golfo, before signing the bill shares rose on the boards of the companies' shares and public shares, responding to the statements of Secretary to the Prime Minister with responsibility for family policies that in the declaration to vote in the House and is 'conviction that the law will be' a step change in the House. I feel like saying that''today our parent company, Fabrizio Cicchitto, gave me assurance that our team will do 'everything necessary' cause this law is approved, the wording of the Senate, the House also quickly''he added the Parliamentary PDL.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
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\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Common: fighting tax evasion and money who takes>>
"Federalism will not bring charges in more business."
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Luca Antonini |
Professor, national small and medium businesses, however, have data that they fear more withdrawals against them with the municipal federalism.
To increase taxes would be just two lines: if you make eight enactment means that things are different. The truth is that you go to rationalize a system that had gone out of control, and this can not come further withdrawals. More taxes you pay today, with the current system where the citizen pays, but does not know where the money should be spent, and there are regional entities with absurd charges that have gone out of control. Catania had € 140 million of outstanding contribution of the Government and then he was also awarded for the implementation of the Stability means that the system must be radically corrected. The decrees fight wasteful spending in favor of a transparent and rational that will lead to lower taxes.
So the Veneto be reassured.
Yes because it will reward the virtuous community and penalize those who waste, mainly due to a redistribution of resources with an indication of the "standard requirements" of the various services. Today Naples takes "per capita" resources than twice those of Treviso and Vicenza, with no rational explanation. The "standard requirements" will correct this situation out of control. For this will reduce the pressure: the IMU at a rate fixed at 0.76 per cent tax will generate savings because the income tax on income also includes land. Each mayor will then reduce the IMU for businesses, up to half the current ICI.
What changes will snap this year with the Municipal Ordinance of Federalism? There is a coupon
dry on rents that is immediately operational. There is the cost of transfer to municipalities of the Self: Part of 2011 and eliminates the current transfers. It also must be added together to sharing some of the contributions / fees on real estate. And there's a third of the "standard requirements" that will be applied as early as 2012 because figures are precisely defined in 2011. And then there's the competition of the City for recovery of tax evasion: Municipalities on property forfeit 50% of revenues are now, without waiting for recovery is to be enforceable. In Emilia Romagna there is already a rule with a recovery of 30% gave results, with interesting proposals as constituting the proceeds of evasion of funds for aid to companies that have laid off or take.
The "standard requirements" are defined by the company Sose: you check your work?
Yes, it is the committee that will evaluate all standardization Copaff made.
Now you'll vote for the federal and regional governments: in Rome feels the same tense of the municipal?
Maybe it's a bit 'better, but this week you will understand. In my opinion some of the PD proposals are likely to have a heavy impact on public finances and therefore unlikely to be accepted. On others you can come meet.
has some theme in mind?
In terms of standard requirements on social dialogue is possible. Even on the Conference for the coordination of public finance: the proposal is to anticipate, and probably will be accepted.
Health: came out to surprise the standard cost data that will help the South
No, indeed. Today is the big hole on waste: there are about 5 billion deficit in some regions of the South will be identified as waste and not as health needs: it is a revolution. Then it will work much on the indicators of reference prices: it can no longer be a cost-tac twice in one region over another.
From "Il Giornale di Vicenza" of 15/03/11 EP
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AAA volunteers and pilgrims wanted to journey of faith and solidarity Lourdes. The appeal comes from Enzo Gaspari, responsible Unitalsi Group of Montecchio Maggiore. For the 49th year, Unitalsi is organizing a pilgrimage to one of the most mystic of the Catholic faith: here, in 1958, a young peasant girl had apparitions of the Virgin Mary and a pilgrimage here every year 5 million pilgrims from around the world.
The Catholic Church itself, very cautious on the subject, officially recognized as miraculous 67 healings have taken place here over the years. Unitalsi Lourdes has made his "home", so as to accompany each year thousands of people: so many sick, elderly, disabled, but many people eager to make themselves available to the next.
For those wishing to join, there are two types of travel: by train, from May 29 to June 4, and by plane, from May 30 to June 3.
"We provide medical and spiritual / - clarifies Gaspari - by specialized staff and thanks to Salus, a reception facility designed to make guests feel at home. Are provided for religious ceremonies, moments of confrontation and reflection in a group by themselves. Lourdes is a chance to rediscover themselves, to restore calm before psychological than physical. "
An intense experience for anyone, but it can become even more volunteers, called upon to assist those who have difficulty movement. You do not need no special skills or special knowledge, does not require a specific age or physical prowess: all, as long as in good health, may make themselves available as an ambulance rather than for other support activities.
"I join the call by Enzo Gaspari - says Mayor Milena Cecchetto - but I want to speak especially to young people: to test, give a little 'of their time those who need it is the quickest way to understand what is the real miracle of Lourdes. "
For information and membership contact Enzo Gaspari at 0444-698608.
Dvp-sr200p Cambiar Región
Section of the Northern League - Liga Veneta of Padania Chiampo organizes an interesting meeting in the aftermath of the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, which, remember, for us Venetians should be "celebrated" in 2016, as we have been invaded in 1866. The theme of the meeting, which will take place at 20.30 at the municipal auditorium Chiampo is " 150 years, the history of the unification of Italy: the point of view of the Venetians " (see poster below)
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
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Thursday, March 10, 2011
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Museum Zannato is renewed. In form, with a new convention, new schedules and a roof fitted, and substance, thanks to donations that add a wealth of material already extensive. And, thanks to an efficient structure which includes nine municipalities of the West Vicentino, Saturday, March 12 presents the 17th volume of the journal Studies and Research. "
- accommodation covered by the Complete removal of the roofing tiles clean with existing verification of wooden trusses of the roof, positioning of the tiles, waterproofing of construction, laying of new tiles for the bumps and ridges for the recovered tiles fastened with hooks and installation of shutters sparrow;
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
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From the
Rome - The shares rose on the boards of publicly traded companies will go to a system with at least 30 percent of women since 2015. You unlock it Senate Finance Committee in the impasse created by the Government yesterday that it was opposite to the entrance to the scheme from 2015. Today, the government withdrew the amendment Germontani negative opinion on recognizing the entire Commission and this has enabled us to approve the bill on the odds rose that now go into the classroom.
The board of directors become more pink The boards of directors and the supervisory bodies of the subsidiaries of public listed companies and unlisted companies, according to the amendment of the rapporteur Germontani Ida Maria, welcomed this morning by the government, will be composed one-fifth of women since 2012 and a third by 2015. Then, after the setback of Economy Undersecretary Sonia Viale, now on the shares rose to join the scheme in three years the mandate of the Board 2015-2018. The Finance Committee then approved the measure any item that is ready for the House, but awaits the decision of the Presidency of the Senate and team leaders on a possible go-ahead during the deliberation that allows it to skip the pass in the House "We thank the government - said the rapporteur Germontani - for having complied with the Commission's work. They took a while but eventually gave the go ahead to our amendment." However, the Commission had to give up on the timing of entry into force of the law which was the second problem to solve in the arm war between the Commission and the Government. Since a law will be published in the Official Gazette, will enter into force after one year instead of after six months. "The night - said the senator IDV, Elio Lannutti - led council. Yesterday we did well not to break with the Executive and the act of our liability is served. " The Democratic Party senator, Giuliano Barbolini, is satisfied with how the story ended there, and hopes that now is the time to recover during the deliberation to approve a measure that is expected from the world of business and it allows women to enter one of the most exclusive sanctuary of male power.
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The entrance to the theater - photos DM |
The City of Montecchio Maggiore taking over the Teatro S. Parish Antonio. This was decided at the last City Council meeting last Tuesday, unanimously approving a new agreement between the City and Parish.
Administration has always used this ancient and prestigious theater to its cultural and social activities compared with an annual contribution of € 8000. At the time of renewal for 2011, the parish has pointed out difficulties management of the hall because of the shortage of funds available, so it has proposed an agreement to 25 years of use and management with the counterpart of the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the structure and initial set-up an operation under general.
"We have accepted with enthusiasm - comments Councillor for Culture Claudio Beschin - The San Antonio Theatre, built in the twenties of the last century, was the first auditorium of Montecchio Maggiore and helped in his long career to form the taste and sensitivity ; the drama of our fellow citizens. Here was born the children's theater, but also the exhibition for adults. Many organizations have used and use these spaces for their initiatives, for dance performances, for concerts, but also for comparisons and discussions of social and cultural interest. It 'an important space to serve the community, it is our duty to provide for its establishment.
The Convention provides that the City assume the operating costs such as utilities and various other expenses for the operation of the Hall, while the Parish reserves the right to free use 10 days per year.
From a first rough estimate of the municipal technical structure is in good condition, so the annual cost management allegedly amounted to € 12 000 . Other
discourse are the steps needed to put under the theater and make it even more welcoming and appropriate to the needs of the community. It is to replace the seats, to repave the interior, to replace the rail tunnel to allow a better view, to reduce the tilt of the stage, to fix the wardrobes and bathrooms.
"In the three-year plan works - concluded the Minister for the Budget Loris Crocco - we have already provided 300 000 € in the year 2013. Given the urgency of some jobs, however, will seek to recover funds already starting this year, to intervene in particular the replacement of seats. A major financial commitment, in a period of not properly healthy for our budget, but want to pursue, in view of what the theater is for our area. "
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The journal "Studies and Research, founded in 1994 by the Friends of the Museum Zannato and operated since 1998 jointly by the Association and Museum, welcomes papers relevant to natural and archaeological issues, with preference given to studies relating to the territory of Vicenza and Veneto. The magazine is an important tool of scientific communication through which particular value in the materials stored in Museum activities and disseminate research is known and appreciated not only in Italy but also abroad, and is traded over the bibliographic 170 Italian and foreign institutions (Belgium, Brazil, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Malta, Mexico, New Zealand, Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom, Spain, United States, Hungary).
Welcome and
Presentation of papers by authors:
Luca Ciancio
The "merit" of the Venetians in geology: a reconsideration of historical criticism.
Beschin Claudio, Alessandra Busulini, Julie Tessier
middle Eocene decapod crustaceans (Barton) Soave (Verona - Italy North East).
Antonio De Angeli, Claudio Beschin
Lovaracarcinus granulatus January Nov., sp. November, a new Eocene brachiuro Valley Chiampo (Vicenza - Italy Northern Italy).
Valentina Caselli
The jaw Sirenide levels of Eocene quarry Alonte (Berici-Vicenza).
Matteo Boscardin, Loris Dalla Costa, Alessandro Daleffe, Viviana Frisian, Daniela Luppi, Ivan Rocchetti, Antonio Zordan
The Phillips Collection and the Vicenza armotomo preserved in the Museo Civico "G. Zannato" Montecchio Maggiore.
Margherita Bolla
Lucerne figured Roman bronze Montecchio Maggiore. Matteo Boscardin, Ivano Rocchetti, Antonio Zordan valentinite Alpe di Camaggiore, Vendrogno (Lecco) Characterization of a sample given to the Museum Zannato
Viviana Frisian
4th Symposium on Mesozoic and cenozoic decapod crustaceans.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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Greetings to all women Veneto. On the occasion of the centenary of 8 March come my love to little girls and boys, our hope of tomorrow, women and elderly adults laborious and tireless engine of this land and the heart that gives life and progress.
course much remains to be done for women. Intellectual honesty makes us recognize that we are back again, like everyone else, and we must, together, create the conditions to continue on the path to true equality. Necessary to strengthen social services, access to work and maintain jobs that women are among the first to lose in difficult economic periods like the present, we think, also, greater safety for women too often victims of violence and abuse and should be favored as their presence in nerve center.
Veneto Region has built in recent years concrete policies for women, often in advance or on the rest of Italy: from the nationwide network of public, private clinics (141 sites throughout the Veneto that follow the families and women, 86% of total users), the spread of kindergartens and schools for children: there are 28 000 places children between 0 and three years representing 20% \u200b\u200bof average, the average European, the only Italian region to reach it from the creation of a regional program with funding for the promotion and consolidation Women entrepreneurship in 2009 has awarded € 7.5 million in an area that already sees over 99 000 active companies in pink (21, 4% of the total in Veneto), for care allowances for families ( and within them are almost always women to deal with) taking home a joint reliant senior (in 2009 there were 25,500).
Luca Zaia