No Year XII 9, March 8, 2011
- Crisis in North Africa, apart from the humanitarian mission in Libya and Tunisia;
- Energie sources: how they change incentives;
- Fire and the environment: two regulations to make life easier for businesses;
- working time and family time: the guidelines in seeking understanding;
- Make postal mail-guaranteed security;
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A mission Italian humanitarian across to help out refugees in North Africa. The mission, which had the green light by the Council of Ministers March 3, was described in a press conference by the ministers concerned. What is the mission: to build a refugee camp Tunisian Chouca near Ras Jedir, which will serve as a center for coordination of humanitarian operations for refugees fleeing Libya. The structure is intended to be used in conjunction with International Organizations present on site, as already requested by OCHA, and other countries. In refugee camp "Chouca" Ras Jedir in Tunisian territory, where he pours people fleeing from Libya, an initial inspection is been done by the Italian team of experts sent by the Foreign Ministry.
The Italians set up the headquarters that will serve the UN High Commissioner for management field. UNHCR has also asked Italy to set up bathrooms and showers, one of the things lacking at the moment in the field. So far 13,000 refugees in the area, as Gharaibeh said Ayman, Head of UNHCR's logistics. The camp has a capacity of 20,000 places. "What most worries at this time are the hygienic conditions." It 'as pointed out by Michelle Cecchi team's direction development cooperation and the Foreign Ministry, which is located in the refugee camp at Ras Jedir, the border between Libya and Tunisia.
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Legislative Decree approved definitively by the Council of Ministers of March 3, 2011 is part of European energy policy to reduce the dependency on fossil fuels and CO2 emissions , in compliance with EU directives force Italy required to achieve targets of 17 per cent of energy
produced from renewable sources by 2020. In particular, the decree legislation provides for the establishment of a new system of incentives for facilities from renewable sources that will commence operations from 1 January 2013, differently sized plants for major and minor , to give certainty to small investors and encourage more large solutions more efficient. To protect the investments already made states that the withdrawal continues until the green certificate 2016, pricing aside 78% of the maximum reference.
As regards, in particular, photovoltaics, we will proceed - by interministerial decree - a redefinition of criteria and parameters shares with effect from June 1 to ensure the sustainability costs of incentives and initiatives to discourage purely speculative and guarantee it a long-term development perspective. Romans also stresses that "the decree is in line with our objective National Energy: Reducing energy costs for businesses and citizens now stands at about +30% compared to other European countries . We intend to achieve first diversifying our energy mix, thus promoting the production from renewable sources and return to nuclear power.
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Reducing the administrative burden on small and medium-sized enterprises, in line with the European strategy the Small Business Act, while maintaining unchanged the level of assurance and security. At this the two tend to simplify regulations on fire prevention and environmental protection approved by the Council of Ministers of March 3, 2011.
The two regulations on various administrative procedures involved: seeking the opinion of compliance on the project; certificate fire prevention, fire prevention certificate renewal; register controls; authorization to discharge of industrial wastewater; documentation noise impact. Both are based on the following criteria: reduction or elimination of unnecessary procedures or disproportionate in relation activity conducted by the business or the need to protect public interests ; computerization; extension of self and certificates of professional and technical agencies for business.
For all procedures is expected to be submitted online questions of the Single Desk.
The regulations, issued under Decree-Law n.78 of 2010, with a view to relaunching the production system, have been prepared by the ministers and Prestigiacomo Maroni, on a proposal of Ministers for Public Administration and Innovation, Renato Brunetta, to simplify the rules, Calderoli, and economic development, Romans and will be operational after the planned process with the acquisition of and opinions of the Joint Conference of the State Council.
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Submitted to the social partners last March 1 by the Minister Sacconi, a draft on guidelines designed to promote reconciliation work time and family time. Among the new possibilities for the working father and working mother to benefit within the first three years of a child's life, particular forms of flexibility time, possibility of temporary transformation of the relationship working full-time part-time employment for the period corresponding to the first five years of the child; opportunity to agree flexible working hours into and out of work when need objective and relevant care and nurturing of family so require, use of provisional permits flexibility in
individual or bank of hours to be attributed, primarily to workers with the objective requirements of conciliation possibility of agreeing with the employer, in the case of documented serious illness spouse or relative in the second degree, different ways of carrying out temporary of work, even a result, an alternative to the use of days off or leave for serious family reasons; commitment to return from maternity to give the worker the same job or a job that not undermine the professionalism and experience gained from working ; possibility of granting unpaid leave to employee in case of illness of the child within the first eight years of life; institution and redress the bank of hours, there where possible, mechanisms specifically dedicated to bank hours parents of children up to 24 months may be entitled, at their request, to receive only the higher provisions for overtime in an account hours, formation of nursery business / inter.
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By the Decree of December 4, 2010, published in the Official Gazette 49, March 1 2011, the technical procedures have been established to ensure the security, integrity and certification of electronic transmission of documents which is associated with the brand postal mail.
La Marca Postal Electronics (EPCM), developed in collaboration with Microsoft, on behalf of the Universal Postal Union, to send secure electronic documents using technology EPCM (Electronical Postal Certification Mark). May be affixed only by post and allows you to check the integrity of the contents of a message , making any form of alteration or tampering easily and uniquely identifiable and be sure to date and time of receipt of the document by the Italian Post. The EPCM system designed by the Italian Post Office is a postal stamp communications service for a stamped electronically file a notice or an electronic transaction, and associate to it a dual guarantee: the certainty of the date and time of affixing the brand; the integrity of the object stamped tronics, verifiable even after some time. In particular, this second feature is a further advantage over the traditional postmark, making any form of alteration or tampering easily and unequivocally identifiable.
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