The presence of women in Italian history has been very complex and intricate. It was not only a linear history of achievements made as equal, greater freedom, the right to education and participation in working life and public life. E 'was mainly a story of a difficult journey, a journey that took several directions and distance running, sometimes faster, sometimes slower. However it was the story of great achievements with the enthusiasm of one who crosses the finish line of a long-dreamed. And we have achieved many goals. Many of the fundamental rights we enjoy today were the result of long battles for women. Many of the challenges that we face today, comes just from having first acquired those rights.
was back in June 2, 1946 which was celebrated in Italy as free elections, the first involving women. In the same year of the 365 deputies called to be part of the Constituent Assembly, 21 were women. Among them the extraordinary Nilde Iotti, Teresa Noce, Lina Merlin, Maria Federici and Octavia Pen Buscemi. In one of them Lina Merlin, the first woman to be elected to the Senate, we need the Law 75 September 1958 which was abolished legalized prostitution in Italy.
E 'was due to the strong desire of another woman, Rosa Oliva, how we got the opportunity for women to start to climb to a career public. In fact, it was the extraordinary battle of Oliva, which started legal proceedings that led in 1960 the Constitutional Court to sanction the constitutionality of all laws have created gender discrimination in careers in public.
Although the presence of women in education and employment over the years has had a positive trend, especially in recent decades, the percentage of women in top positions is still small. Italy can only have benefits in fostering the growth of female employment and greater participation of women in the "nerve center".
In the seventies, the heart of reflection feminist thought is the diversity of women's identity and the struggle to defend engaged on several fronts: politics, unions, associations. Not only that, with the feminist movement women conquer the value of their personal dimension also that of their body. So in 1974, Italians rejected the referendum on divorce law. Feminists began to agitate for the recognition of the right to abortion, which was approved by Parliament on 6 June 1978 and confirmed in 1981 by rejecting the referendum. One of the battles longer and more troubled than it was in February of 1996 sees the law is passed against sexual violence. Violence, we do not forget, Rocco code classified as crimes against public morality and decency. And we have the right in the Berlusconi government tightened measures against violence against women by introducing the crime of stalking.
I like to emphasize that one of the fundamental principles of Community law is just the equality between women and men. The EU's objectives on equality between genders are intended to ensure equal opportunities and equal treatment between women and men, and to combat discrimination based on sex.
women's skills and the ability to produce income of women in this phase of economic crisis are increasingly evident and valuable. But the value of women must always be a fixed point, and we should consider policies and actions of the medium to long term. The Rome conference is the poster for a journey that must be taken. The direction shown is the construction of a new covenant between citizens and state enterprises for the realization of that big-society that gives citizenship to the modern social relations.
The torch was passed to us. We are proud, we'll meet!
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