Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Drinking Alcohol Hurts Parotid Glands

Factor D: Speech Beatrice Lorenzin

Speech Beatrice Lorenzin conference Factor D

Dear friends and dear friends,

today we have invited a mixed audience because we are convinced that the issue of women both in the world, as in Italy, a question for everyone, not just gender.

We a new language with you to find solutions to problems old and new. Let the point on a vision that evolved along side men and women, our communities and our territories.

We can not, however, regardless of the cultural fact, the transformations, both positive and negative during the period from '68 to today, because otherwise reduce the open problems in functional or purely economistic issues, perhaps by adjusting the beam as it collapsed on him, however, Home.

Barbara has covered a part of the problem: the continuing discrimination faced by many women in to work, rather than a career, power management and last but not least the reconciliation between work and life schedules.

I will focus on building a different pattern of response. Discards entirely different, not because the past, but because they are convinced that our generation must take on a new responsibility: to overcome the ideological limits and the lack of accountability at least two generations, that has many environmental and social causes, but first of all has one that is not social: cultural relativism taken to its extreme limit that has produced a nihilistic view of life, in which the future is consumed in the present, as well as the idea aesthetics.

In a harmonious society, everything is linked: economic development with the vital impulse, fiscal policies, social security and training policies and the birth rate.

About the birth, I would like a moment to reflect on this aspect.

The theme of the birth rate is probably now one of the fundamental issues for the future of our country, even if incredibly underrated by the media and observers.

It 's a fact that the birth rate, 1.41 children per couple, has been for years beyond below the minimum replacement rate (2.1 children per couple).

This means that if the trend did not change, then we would have in the next 30 years, a company that not only can not claim welfare benefits and, if only because there would be a sufficient number of children who pay the contributions for the pensions of their parents, but we would not even young enough to support our production system, or a population able to boost economic development.

Many analysts now believe that the economic theories that linked to the demographic collapse greater prospects of wealth for the people have proved not only wrong but also herald a propaganda that has in fact discouraged the birth rate in recent decades, producing damage that today are, in fact, under the eyes of all.

The fact that children are not born in our country can not be attributed to women. E 'accusation that we do not want to hear!

If having children means ensuring the economic, social and cultural life of our nation, the problem of birth is not a gender issue but a priority system of the country and as such should be addressed. Our goal is a new active policies by hand and give a new perspective of responsibility and self-confidence to new generations.

We must then make a synthesis of the work, as an essential moment of independence and personal fulfillment, whether man or woman, with the task of parenting that is anthropologically inherent in everyone and is now in serious danger to be incidental and not central to our personal development.

Without fossilize in false problems, such as the controversy on the opening of shops on Sundays, instead contribute to modernity and economic development services and payroll and expect heavier.

I am convinced that after the emancipation (which is still largely on paper ... let's face it openly!), It is necessary to speak of an evolution for both sexes.

"Growing together to build the vision of a better society that develops and annihilates it."

How can we put this analysis in sociological political action?

built around this cultural priority a grand alliance between the two sides, the cultural, media, politics, for what we called "the construction of a Big society "that poses the issue of development and growth of man and woman, the economy and society.

is clear that we are called to great changes, not in the best of times as possible without the resources that were available to our parents, but as so often in history, in full storm.

In the midst of a systemic crisis like the one from 2008 is shaking markets and certainties in the Western world since the war.

In the balance between public debt, the Stability Pact and the fierce competition for new markets without rules and rights.

That is why the choices we have made in the field today can not be containment, but must necessarily outline new and different scenarios that the world has changed, and before we take action sooner we can have an impact in a positive way in our reality.

Otherwise what challenge would it be?

is why the welfare state has to play a central role even if different than before.

The welfare state can no longer be that of yesterday and at the same time it must respond to emergencies and the needs engendered by problems of the global crisis. The White Paper Sacconi track of a way to overcome these difficulties, identifying the implementation of the principle of subsidiarity as a valid response: enhancing the role of social groups, become involved persons who are recognized not only the subject but the subject of welfare.

We have set in motion that can bring all those resources, they consent, they have a special responsibility roles in interpreting the public interest and make them fully active.

Renewed State Social Welfare Community and a vital need tax policies as more selectively capable to encourage the family, birth, learning, mobility, individual and collective forms of insurance for the future and that of your loved ones.

Women's employment should not be seen as a problem in itself, and we must address the issues with a different perspective, going well beyond the scope of impact of policies of economic incentives and equal opportunities in the strict sense.

The issue of women's work about the same economic policies of development and revitalization in the South in particular, policies to support families, policies access to education and training, fiscal policies, social security and employment, social policies, cultural and educational in the broadest sense.

Think of a gender approach and integrated across all the government assistance but certainly strongly coupled to the resources that are put into circulation with the private social and the constant exercise of the principle of subsidiarity and systematic planning.

What does this mean in practice?

means that the issue of women is linked to birth, full employment and the wage gap. It 's a priority. Depends not only by the use of public resources, it will be difficult to break down prejudices about women.

In the labor market we need large-scale interventions that would rebalance the position of women.

The actors in this new way to intervene, according to the principle of subsidiarity, so they are basically four: the government and the national legislature, local governments, businesses and social partners.

measures are necessary then declined in the territories that must be translated into an integral part of projects and interventions by local authorities, regions, in the process of economic development, training and retraining, in the implementation including the use of innovative financing of integrated models of care and personal care, giving developing the Third Sector.

We have a number of tools ranging from vouchers to contracts of insertion, to name but two.

The other key player is the social partners. It is up to their collective bargaining new profiles that reward productivity and are close to the family, thanks to second-level bargaining, we can truly break new ground for more services improving while productivity.

The business world is called to a new phase of responsibility to embrace with pride because it makes them be stars of the revival of the Italian system.

star in a new cultural and economic renaissance.

The government has done its part and the line has clearly outlined the plan in its various manifestations Italy 2020, female employment, youth employment and training and education.

It 'important to note that the system envisioned by Sacconi encourages young people to the challenge of a independent living and independent and the desire for parenthood.

Our first enemy is the fear to be killed.

one that crosses generations grew up in a world of rapid change, without having had the necessary tools to deal with new business processes and the transformation of the labor market. Young hammered by the media who decided to cultivate the fear instead of stimulating the critical spirit and represent, however, the need for new models of flexibility and accountability.

The fear and, sometimes, the opportunism of those who do not want to change, maintaining privileges or annuities position won in the past, thus refusing to take responsibility for their role also in building a sustainable future for all.

We are looking for allies. For our change of pace, to achieve that big that is inherent in anthropology Society of Italian society where the individual is at the center and the community organize themselves, to which the state is subsidiary to the civil society and not vice versa, where the state directs but does not suffocate, the thong line, but let it really develop the talents, energy, spirit inherent to our nation.

We allies for a revolution in our society where equal opportunities are real, women assert their equality in difference.

is clear that in order to confirm this alliance, we need to share our project with the other side of the sky.

We can not give the achievement of the decision-making places, if not we will be more in the driver's command, it is impossible that someone else can take charge of our senses, our imagination, our difference.

This is to address the relationship between power and the woman.

Lord, we should vote for women, we aim to have women mayors, women trade unionists, we must support more and have more confidence in our potential, because only then can we build a society that is truly balanced and in harmony, in which walk together, smiling at the future that awaits us.


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