Monday, February 28, 2011
Did God Make The Marijuana Plant

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An award that promotes architecture with a capital "A", one that enhances the territory respecting their differences.
This is Luke Andreasi Scholarship Award, sponsored for the second year by the town of Montecchio Maggiore and family Andreasi in collaboration with the Association of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservationists in Vicenza, in memory of Luke Andreasi young architect who died prematurely in Montecchio has dedicated significant research and professional work.
This morning in the Hall of the City Council has been officially submitted the notice to the presence of the culture Claudio Beschin of Councilor Zanni Neville, President of the Architects Joseph Pilla, Attilia Andreasi mother of Luke which is called the premium and many friends of the family.
"The goal - it has been clarified Beschin - is to reward the best design expressions developed in academic circles on reality of the Vicenza area, in particular Montecchio Maggiore Vicenza and the West, but also educate young architects, graduates, a good architecture, that part of the study area, its recovery by new techniques and disciplines, but with respect for tradition and the history of the place. "
Respect comes from knowledge and love of the land, the same feelings that bound Luca Montecchio Maggiore." The thesis - stressed Pilla - are a useful tool for further study, this Order is intended to enable them to collect and categorize available to students and architects. The Award Andreasi not only encouraged us in this direction, but will also have a prominent place in the archive. "An area else is already in the public library instead of Montecchio Maggiore, which collects the papers related to their territory.
"Luke - concluded Attilia Andreasi - was simple and transparent, but also a big dreamer. He imagined an architecture that was not simply a profession but a passion, a real way of being. With the prize Andreasi we hope to convey this enthusiasm to young architects. "
To ensure the widest membership, the notice of contest is sent to the main universities of Northern Italy and the main regional and provincial agencies that deal with youth issues, the Order of Architects of the Triveneto. The notice shall also freely available and downloadable from the website of the Architects of dellOrdine Vicenza ( http://archivi.sgiservizi.net ) and the site of the City of Montecchio Maggiore (see below).
The jury has a mixed composition, including representatives of the City of Montecchio Maggiore and the Order of Architects of the province of Vicenza. The President presides over the Order of Architects. The evaluation criteria are the ability to communicate, language testing, materials and technologies and the design value of what is expressed.
substantial prizes: € 4 thousand to 2 thousand in the first place and second.
Applications must be received not later than 12 noon of Friday, April 29, 2011 to the town of Montecchio Maggiore, Protocol Office - Public Library (Via Roma 5 - 36075 Montecchio Maggiore, VI).
Saturday, February 26, 2011
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inform our citizens that we will be with the gazebo Sunday, March 6 9:00 pm at 12:00 throughout the city, and specifically:

- CATHEDRAL SQUARE (opposite Church)
- LOCATION ' VALDIMOLINO (opposite Church)
- LOCATION' SS. TRINITY ' (opposite Church)
- LOCATION' S. URBAN (opposite Church)
Friday, February 25, 2011
Best Remover For Mascara

Thursday, February 24, 2011
Heather Harmon Died??
It 's time last salute. The funeral of Antonio Mercanzin , Died in tragic circumstances last Tuesday (22/02/11) while he was performing in front of the security department of elementary school Zanella High, has been set for Saturday February 26 9:30 to the Cathedral of Santa Maria and San Vitale Montecchio Maggiore.
In agreement with the family, the town council has ordered to be held the funeral in the board room of City Hall from Friday 25 to 16 hours . From this time until the funeral and the many citizens who have known Mercanzin will bring a final farewell. Friends of the GEC Group founded by Antonio Civic Education, they will watch on body, alternating with the local police and the police to take leave until 9:10 on Saturday morning, when the coffin will be carried in procession to the nearby Duomo. Waiting for him, in front of the Church, there will be a guard of honor of the Carabinieri and local Banda Ceccato. They announced their presence at the funeral service, in addition to the municipal administration of Montecchio, Vicentini representatives of municipalities, the Province of Vicenza and the Veneto Region.
Friday 25 and Saturday, February 26 has been proclaimed a national day of mourning, with flags at half mast and black cord as a sign of mourning. During the funeral service are asked to retailers, traders and craftsmen down the shutters and citizens to take a moment of silence for Antonio Mercanzin.
"He sacrificed his life for his and our country - confirms the Mayor Milena Cecchetto - we want to greet him with the honors that they reserve the heroes, because he has been for us. A silent hero, a true hero. We will remember him because he has done his duty until the last moment. But I also remember that the final gesture reflected a lifetime dedicated to the safety of others. "
Keep Getting Pimples In My Nose
for more info, write to leganordmontecchio@yahoo.it
01/03 - 19.00 - Council Chamber - City Council
01/03 - 21.00 - Hall of the Municipal Court Filande - Meeting Preventing family problems
02/03 - 21.00 - Teatro S. Antonio - Theatre Prose
03/03 - 20.00 - Hall of the Municipal Court Filande - Evening Adoption
03/03 - 20.30 - Cinema "Italy" Montegalda - The Federalism Debate Municipal
04/03 - 21.00 - E20 Underground - Montecchio Heartbeats Contest
06/03 - 09.00/12.00 - All City of Montecchio M. - Gazebo Lega Nord Padania
07/03 - 20.45 - Moot Hall Court of Filande - Evening Travel
08 / 03 - all Day - Public Library - here!!
08/03 - 19.30 - Restaurant Zemin, Monteviale - Women's Day and Last Carnival
08/03 - 20.45 - St. Peter Cinema - Film Screening " females against males "
10/03 - 20.00 - Hall of the Municipal Court Filande - Conference Sponsor
03.11 - 19.30 - Restaurant The two columns loc. High (via Rome) - Northern League Dinner Section High Valchiampo
03.11 - 21.00 - E20 Underground - Montecchio Heartbeats Contest
12/03 - 17.00 - Moot Hall Court of Filande - Presentation review Studies & Research
14/03 - 20.45 - Hall of the Municipal Court Filande - Evening Travel
14/03 - 20.45 - Sovizzo Conference Hall - Meeting on "Federalism our future "
15/03 - 21.00 - Sala Civica Court of Filande - Meeting Preventing family problems
18/03 - 20,30 - Auditorium Chiampo - Evening cultural / historical heritage with the theme: " 150 years, the history of the unification of Italy in terms of the Venetians "
19.03 - 11.00 - Via Pieve - Inauguration of Joseph House
19/03 - 21 - Old Ivy Restaurant in Zugliano - Dinner section of the Northern League Zugliano
20-21-22-23 / 03 - Trip to Medjugorje with the Association of Women Vicentine
21/03 - 20.30 - Plenary Magna Via Roma 12, Trissino - Meeting " municipalities towards federalism Municipal "
21/03 - 20.45 - Hall of the Municipal Court mills - Evening Travel
23/03 - 21.00 - Teatro San Antonio - Film " The story of Romeo and Juliet "
24/03 - 20.30 - Hall Civica - Project Health and Wellness
24/03 - 20.30 - Palazzo Corieli, Malo Conference Room - Meeting with the theme " Federalism Municipal "
25/03 - 21.00 - E20 Underground - Montecchio Heartbeats Contest
26/03 - 17.00 - Hospital MM - New Spring of Life
27/03 - 8.30 - Fathers Giuseppini - Morning Prevention
27 / 03 to 17.00 - Moot Hall - Presentation Volume "Matthew Peripoli"
28/03 - 20.30 - Meeting Room via Roma, Zugliano (back entrance of the city hall) - Meeting with the theme "Federalism Municipal "
28/03 - 20.45 - Hall of the Municipal Court Filande - Evening Travel
31/03 - ??,?? - Auditorium Chiampo - Renewal District 11
PS: Not all events are organized by the City of Montecchio Maggiore
The calendar is constantly being updated. Those who wish may publicize your event by writing to leganordmontecchio@yahoo.it
Monday, February 21, 2011
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Sunday, February 20, 2011
What Do You Do For A Over Extended
by http://www.womenews.net/spip3/spip.php?article7776
After the inexplicable rejection by the Lombardy Regional Administrative Court on appeal by Article 51 in the person of Angela Ronchini President and Vice-President Alda Widmer, despite the veto of the news print media, is spreading across the network. Certificates of appreciation and congratulations to cross an initiative ever undertaken, despite the first step is not favorable, will continue with the appeal in the State Council.
E 'was issued the ruling in the trial held in the Lombardy Regional Administrative Court for the annulment of the appointment of 16 aldermen, 15 men and 1 woman, by contrast with the regional statute and with the European legislation transposed by gender rebalancing' Italy two months before the appointment of regional councilors.
The appeal was admitted in July 2010 and after the hearing on September 15 was discussed at the December 17 hearing to discuss in front of new judges.
reading the sentence the impression we have is that the Tar has gone off topic.
not read anything on Article. Lombard or Article 11 of the Statute. A code of equal opportunities amended under pressure from the European Union in January 2010, but it's true or not?
We ask lawyers Ileana Alesso, Massimo Clara and prof. Marilisa D'Amico, professor of constitutional law at the University of Milan, who represented the applicants' reasons and two associations of DonneInQuota Milan and national UDI, intervened in the process in support of the four applicants and the Art Association. 51 Laboratory of parity democracy.
"The TAR has circumnavigated the topic remained off without ever landing on the ground. And the effect of inertia, is that the situation remains as it was. Judgement will be published on the websites of the associations for which there was Finally, despite the radical opposition of the Lombardy Region and the recognition of the role played in equality of opportunity, and then confirmed as fully entitled to support in the future legal claims for equal democracy, "says the lawyer Ileana Alesso .
"However," continued the lawyer, "the results that emerge from the judgment and a region that has devalued the local level and thrown overboard in its Statute and as with the EU can no longer incense as a region of Europe. For more Tar has returned to the ballast of the political responsibility of his choice and it is only logical that did not want to give notice of this ruling. "
"It 's defeat of a policy that does not know how to apply in practice what it claims in theory. The parity democracy introduced in 2008 is a provision in the statute regional innovation it has come a long way with cultural, political and legal in more than a year of special sessions of the regional commission composed of representatives from all parties given the importance of regional statutes of the next generation after the reform of Title V of the Constitution. The road to equality is long, "says the lawyer and professor Marilisa D'Amico " but we must insist on the recognition of the principles written and implemented, in particular Article. 3 and art. 51 of the Constitution concerning equality and equal access to public offices and elected positions.
"And anyway," said the lawyer. Massimo Clara, "for the annulment of the sentence and the revival of all topics not examined by the first section of the Lombardy TAR there is a ritual remedy, institutional and democratic, the application to the State Council and the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Our system has structured and provided for this purpose the two levels of jurisdiction, and in some cases even 'third degree' and that is also the possibility of asking the Court of Cassation, in its recognition and guarantee of institutional will, expressed in the Constitution , to remedy the error or the circumvention of the court or tribunal in the first instance court for the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens or individuals associated.
Friday, February 18, 2011
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ON. Carfagna
MILAN, February 17, 2011
L 'Art Association 51 Laboratory of parity democracy has seen with pleasure the approval in the House last December of a draft law providing equal representation on the boards of listed companies .
Now that the law expects a favorable vote in the Senate.
We learn with regret the slowing down of work due to demand changes to the text of the law that if one part would weaken the proposal as presented, would cause the return of the text in the House.
Our association is committed for many years for women to achieve equal representation in the institutions and management boards of companies. So as to be the architects of the appeal to the TAR Lombardia for the non-gender balance of the junta Lombardy and whose decision appealed to the State Council within days.
We therefore hope that the Italian Senate wants to approve the text adopted in the House would represent a major breakthrough and would fill the serious delay of Italy than in other European countries and that would allow many women give a strong contribution to the growth of our country.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
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The battle for the approval of the law on gender quotas in the Board continues and becomes ever harder. Here are some agencies out yesterday and forwarding V enclose the articles today on Corriere della Sera and Il Sole 24 Ore who devote ample space to each other (although the agencies have exited only in the evening!).
I think this time is more important than ever to close ranks around this law must go to a vote Tuesday by the Senate, to feel we have so many and we want to change.
the bill was rejected several times over the years, we even get to vote "secret" to protect the "snipers".
There is no doubt that the law is a bi-partisan but nonetheless attempts to block it are getting stronger and not so much the politics but the economy clearly frightened by the entry of women in many of the levers' economy.
Ania, Confindustria and ABI have written a letter yesterday to the President of the Senate Finance Committee hoped for changes in installation of law which essentially voids and missed its significance.
AIDDA sent a press release to all media - can be found below, but not enough!
E 'requires that a significant number of women write to the President of the Senate Schifani segreteriagabinettopresidente@senato.it and the President of the Finance Committee Baldassarri mario.baldassarri @ senato.it asking each of them to take action to ensure that no "external factors" that prevent the proper conduct of parliamentary business and the arrival of law in the House for final approval.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
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Minister Maria Stella Gelmini
" They took to the streets seem to me like the purple people, this I indignation against Berlusconi in the country not the way I take. The concerns of other citizens, want to know what if anything they have to wait for a bed in a hospital or what school is best for their children. The left would do well to deal with this and drop the antiberlusconismo. Dignity 'and women' is too serious a topic to throw it in the middle of the political battle in this way. Ne 'Bindi will' know the Finocchiaro those girls except through shreds of interceptions fed to the newspapers. E 'was given a prior conviction against girls whose only guilt and' having attended Arcore, have put them at the stake as witches Shalem. Cosi 'defends the dignity' of women?. "Asked if the square so 'full speed up the end of the season Berlusconi, Gelmini said:" We delude those who think so'. This time there will be 'the liquefaction of the PSI, we head of Berlusconi did not deliver. "
Monday, February 14, 2011
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Saturday, February 12, 2011
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011
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Monday, February 7, 2011
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Friday, February 4, 2011, threatens to become one of those dates to record, in fact, more the third millennium, from Wikipedia.
In fact, after 48 days of the well ' hearing on the appeal filed by 19 to 1 against Art.51 Formigoni of the Regional Council of Lombardy, the Tar bore the sentence, then we understand why the long wait and the 19 pages of the device.
The Tar has recognized the President Formigoni parenthood of new and very advanced mathematical concepts and language.
We a step back: the Regional Council elections resulted from the March 2010 sees the appointment of Councillors 15 men, four Secretaries of men, one woman Councillor.
As there in statute Lombardia to Article 11 which speaks of " ACKNOWLEDGES, WARRANTS, ENHANCES THE GENDER BALANCE IN ORGANS OF GOVERNMENT REGIONAL it seemed to us that something is square and then, mathematics in hand, the first of February 4, 2011, was used to the TAR, with a simple question: "'Lombardia riequlibrata the council's by 15 to 1 plus 4?".
Simple question we expect an equally simple answer: "NO .
Well it was not so: the great lawyers of the President were able to say to the TAR that the article does not count, that is not the responsibility of the President balance the genres, that a 19 to 1 some rebalancing brings with it ... let's say that the President has shown good will and has initiated an innovative project like all the things he had made the Lombardy.
So you can not scold a good family man who, generously, it starts a restructuring with due weight given to the fact that women are not unaccustomed to power, perhaps even practices of its operation, for which they need a long training period which will end with the actual numbers in the same ..... 2055, maintaining the pace of introduction of a test every 5 years!
already imagine throngs of graduates / Science Education and seek new text that explains this revolutionary new concept of acrobatics, fathers and mothers who have to explain to their ambitions (too?) Daughters that a woman in ' years as Deputy Mayor in Lombardy Region is the best there is, therefore, my child, "see who is preaching in between 5 years and then ponder whether to continue on this road well."
It is certain that the decision of the TAR is the result of a culture of male power which prevents the access of women to positions of power in Italy, at the top, to the Board, which makes us feel constantly on the verge of .... but then we stand there in the balance ... just to reiterate the concept!
Art.51, of course, will publish a more careful analysis of the reasons, certainly will use the State Council (or is it worth the greatness of the genius Formigoni hit there too?), but for now let us smile and imagine in 2055 in Paradise as a TV commercial with the President Formigoni enjoy from up there (or down there because bad girls), the first sitting of the Government of Lombardia 2055 with a final Like men and women who will not be us, our daughters will not, perhaps our grandchildren ..... and see the proud smile on the face of President Formigoni (unless he is still presiding over the session establishment, genes has always made a gift of extreme longevity) satisfied with his success at the forefront ... he man for ever and ever!
Art.51 Laboratory of Democracy Matching