Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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Sixth, the left says no to the burqa in Mantua with the League

Sesto San Giovanni - "The burqa is a form of fundamentalism and oppression of the female figure of constriction of individual freedom." It 's a part of the text of the motion approved by the City Council of Sesto San Giovanni in public places against the use of any clothing that covers the face. A motion was endorsed almost unanimously by the Council of the municipality of Milan, made up the vast majority from the center.

only vote against the Communists Alessandra Tobacco Northern League leader who made the motion, explained that the changes to the text have not changed the content of the motion which was adopted across the board from opposition groups and with the only majority vote of the City Council of Italian Communists . "I think - said tobacco - that this vote is important above all to honor the dignity and equality of women, who too often for some cultures such as Islam, are still burdened with forms of clothing such that the burqa not allow their recognition. "

Now it's up to the mayor So now it is for the mayor "to urgently take the necessary steps to enforce, any person present in the municipal area driving around in public places or places open to the public face covered, our laws regarding safety and dignity of women." Concorde, the first citizen George Oldroyd, according to which "there are customs that conflict with the history, laws and common sense of our country." "The sense of human dignity that exists in Italy - added Oldroyd - is the result of centuries of culture war and civilians who have been an undoubted progress and that must apply to everyone."

The comment of the deputy mayor "Da Sesto San Giovanni arrives on the third blow to the comrades of the Milanese Pd after the block anti-Roma and anti-prostitution ordinance modeled on Milan: a lesson in pragmatism."

by ilgiornale.it


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