demographic balance 2010:
increase Italians and foreigners fall
Finally, the policy developed by Cecchetto has its rewards: increase Italians and foreigners decreased.

"For the first time in many years - said the Councillor for Social Livio Merlo - the number of foreigners has a negative balance, rising from 300/400 arrivals of recent years to less than 126 in 2010 . The case must be certainly found in the economic crisis, as that the majority of immigrants is related to employment of workers of the Agno Valley and neighboring municipalities of Chiampo, but we also increased the cross-checks anagrafe on residences, to have a true and real about arrivals and since Foreigners often do not communicate their journeys. "
higher, rather, the arrival of Italians, with a small but significant positive balance of plus 12 and still with a significant turnaround. "A demonstration - said Merlo - Montecchio that is good and that even residents of nearby towns begin to look for possible transfer to our territory."
To date, therefore, about 23,743 foreigners are 4,236 residents, representing 17.84% of the total. They come mostly from Asia, particularly from Bangladesh (1,502 people equal to 35.46%) and India (310 equal to 7.32%). The large Serb community (464 people equal to 10.95%) and Albania (333 residents equal to 7.86%).
Among Africans stand Ghanaians with 342 admissions (at 8, 07%) and Moroccans (167 residents amounted to 3.94%), the rest are from small groups.
Another significant case of new born. They are, in total, 273, divided among 162 Italian and 111 foreign. Remains unchanged, therefore, the Italian tendency to have fewer children, while foreigners confirm that they are prolific, both at home and abroad.
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