The realism of women
In Italy there is a gender gap to be filled. Maybe with a law that establishes quotas of female
The realism of women
In Italy there is a gender gap to be filled. Maybe with a law that establishes quotas of female
An event, tomorrow, who wants to launch "a collective cry" against Berlusconi and denounce "the degeneration of liberty arrogant libertinism" that offend the dignity of women. And a counter-demonstration, already this morning, which considers the slogans of the square a form of "moral Jacobinism" that will back the women themselves in favor of dangerous agents of public decency. The Chronicles of Ruby and the appeal case to attend a large public protest by women have traveled and divided the country.
The debate was passionate, sometimes reckless, though - we believe - positive because it has animated a non-trivial challenge between generations and different ideas. The Courier has given ample space in this comparison that never became "chicken" and that, indeed, has shown a remarkable civic vitality.
Now, however vast, an event does not drop a government in Italy. As judges they do not fall, and it would be serious for a liberal democracy if that happens. A government falls in Parliament and the will of voters and electrical expressing themselves in that way. This is not the game. But there is a game and is a crucial match.
The question we must answer is simple: Italy has a problem with women? The writer Silvia Avalos, 26, has rightly stressed that we were brought up to independence from our mothers: "This word, independence, I was always told with a particular tone, the tone of what is really important. I never felt on my skin a lack of freedom. "
Barbara Stefanelli, journalist and deputy editor of Corriere della Sera If this is true - and here is the passing of the baton from one generation feminist who has fought long and general hostility to collective rites, but fair themselves and their individual identities - it is also true that there is a gap between the chromosome acquired a freedom without defects and what happens in our days.
just a few data on employment, wages, representation. Italian women graduate and graduate more (and better) than men, but not even one in two has a paid post. A figure that places us at the foot of the European rankings, only better Malta. And, at the same level, 16.8% earn less than their male colleagues. One in four women to work after maternity leave: only 10 out of 100 children are placed in a kindergarten, 5 to 100 in a city. Minister for Women represent 21% of the total, the parliamentarians do not exceed 20%. For listed companies the presence of women on the boards of directors comes to 6.8%, the CEO are just 3.8%. This means that there is a gender gap in the country, as defined in official reports, a gender gap that makes women weak or absent in all places - in public and private companies, politics and diplomacy, in universities - where then make the decisions that determine the life of a society. And one of the modern state. Pasolini spoke of "inlay surface of modernity" that in Italy surpassed historically hidden layers of reality. Perhaps this analysis fierce yet it tells a part of who we are.
The answer to the question from which we started is therefore "yes." Italy has a problem than that 51.4% of the population who are women. It is legitimate to protest, it is vital to act on the ground. No casualties out of time, without blaming everything on an enemy, but without the fear get in the trenches until the system has become fair and balanced. If the goal is "more women," one of the remedies can be a law that imposes temporary quotas of women at the top of the institutions, parties, business. It may seem a small thing compared to the depth affected by the reflections of these hours. But it is a step to shake the building, to climb over ditches that are resistant to let the bridge down. The step of a mandatory 30%, which is creating waves reform in the countries where it is tested, would be a springboard to create movement and renewal. Having suffered for a long time not on others, it is very difficult for women to be taken to a compound, counted and locked in a rate established by law. However, it remains one of the few solutions - bipartisan - we can now push up the political agenda nationally. Provided also that names ending up in the units selected on the basis that intersection of talent and will that determines the merits of people. The hope is that this 30% to our daughters will one day seem like an old joke.
There is another key point that brings us back around the Ruby case. In Italy the identity girls - their ability to grow independent, informed, strong only to itself - is being challenged by a culture of that name in accordance with the idea of \u200b\u200bsuccessfully exploits the body until the last centimeter of skin. We are accustomed, for many seasons, to an imaginary female very far from the reality of women who face difficult days, or exciting, but alien to what is said in these days obsessively. We would like the protagonists of our arguments were not only Karima, Maristhelle, Iris, Aris - free course in the meantime to continue to do what they want - but so many women. Have perhaps a less exotic, but eventually more people will interesting how they are dressed in their everyday stories kept in balance between family, work, themselves. It's time to bet on a company where every eighteen could say of himself what he wrote in his diary Luciana Castellina in a distant April 15, 1946. "I'm happy to live, to discuss, to see the world, to express what I feel: I'm happy about everything. The world is mine and I want it. "
Barbara Stefanelli
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