Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Everyday Minerals Concealerswatches

parity democracy, no thanks

by http://www.mondorosashokking.com/

yesterday finally ruled the Tar on the appeal of the Association Article 51 Formigoni against the junta, accused of having among its members, chosen directly by the man at the head of Pirellone been from time immemorial, a single woman. One woman among the sixteen commissioners chosen personally by the President.

talked in June brought the action and motivations, starting from the concept of "parity democracy" so many associations from ' many women inside and outside the regional council have fought for months, until final approval of the Statute of the Lombardy Region. Then a principle advocated by all in words but in deeds. The Board is Formigoni, after all, one of the resulting behavior is inconsistent, and therefore a direct appeal to the TAR.
Well, the negative sentence does reflect , at a time like this, mobilization on the part of women to the streets to break down glass ceilings, we go to court We speak with knowledge of the facts in front of parliament, councilors, advisors. Yet this limit the expression of female talent persists and it's really hard to die. We are very so convinced that we can afford to waste 50% of talent and let them in the corner, perhaps relegating the four children at home churning out (but who makes them children, in these conditions, anyway?)?
Because the effect of the sentence seems really the ' last remnant of a male power and male patriarchal tradition-bound , culture that survives death and buried in the circles of politics and gerontocratic economy and little accustomed to change.

And now, What remains, then? "The appeal to the State Council, a possible action at European and, meanwhile, a parcel from thirty-six thousand euro, which will honor every penny," he says, with anger mixed with sarcasm, Angela Ronchini, President Article 51 of the Association sponsoring the application.


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